
How Playing Instruments Can Boost Your Brain Power: Cognitive Benefits of Learning Music

Playing an instrument is more than just a fun hobby; it can also have lifelong benefits. There are cognitive benefits too! Instruments like the electric piano are powerful tools for enhancing brain function.

Memory Enhancement: Strengthening Brain Connections

To learn to play an instrument requires the consistent use of memory. Not only do musicians need to remember the music itself, they also need to remember finger positions and techniques. Through this, the brain’s ability to retain and retrieve information improves. With regular practice, new neurological pathways are formed in the brain which enhances both long and short term memory.

Musical Training and Memory Retention

According to research studies, musicians tend to have better verbal memory. This is speculated to be due to the process of hearing a piece of music and then playing it. This allows the brain to use many different senses when memorizing something, which can be used in many other areas.

Cognitive Flexibility: Sharpening Problem-Solving Skills

Music can offer problem solving benefits. Playing an instrument requires deciphering complex sheet music, where a musician needs to play specific notes in the right order and get their timing right.

Adapting to New Challenges

Every piece of music has a new and unique challenge. Musicians strengthen their ability to solve problems and face challenges every time they play a new piece of music. This ability to approach problems transfers to real-life situations, and enhances critical thinking and decision making skills.

Boosting Concentration and Focus

All instruments require a high level of concentration to play. Your limbs do different tasks and need to coordinate with each other and the brain.


This act of multitasking sharpens attention and focus. This increases concentration in other areas of life.

Increased Mental Endurance

Practicing an instrument helps build mental endurance. The brain’s attention span increases when long practice sessions require sustained energy and attention.

Strengthening Mathematical and Spatial Skills

Playing an instrument increases mathematical abilities. Because you need to understand patterns, sequences and timing, your mathematical skills increase. Chords and scales are based on intervals and ratios which can improve numerical understanding.

Musical Structures and Mathematical Thinking

Music often mirrors mathematical concepts. Thus, musicians excel in tasks requiring spatial mathematical reasoning as they are able to visualize numbers and think more logically.

The Lifelong Cognitive Benefits of Music

You can play an instrument at any age to access the mental benefits. Regularly practising can help keep the brain active and reduce the risk of cognitive diseases.


It is never too late to start.

Music as a Lifelong Brain Exercise

As you get older, engaging the brain is crucial for cognitive function. Music is an excellent path for mental stimulation. If the brain is challenged with music, this can delay the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

A Fun and Rewarding Path to Cognitive Improvement

Incorporating music into your life is more than just entertainment. It has a fortune of cognitive benefits that improve your mental health and brain function.