Does CBD make you Sleepy or Just Relaxed?

Does CBD make you Sleepy or Just Relaxed?

Every year a new trend builds up in the health and wellness industries. Sometimes it’s a new kind of diet, sometimes it’s a new kind of training routine, and sometimes it’s a new supplement.

However, one trend that has stuck around for some time now and is constantly getting popular is CBD. From the best CBD gummies for yourself to yummy CBD-infused chews for your dog, this category has a lot to offer.

Most people use CBD to keep their anxiety, stress, and pain levels under control. Though it’s not limited to just that, it can also improve your mood, help you sleep better, and wind down properly after a long and hectic day.

Still, for first-time users, it’s difficult to determine whether their favorite gummies will make them sleepy or just relaxed. Don’t worry, this article will clear all such confusion, so without any further delay, let’s dive in!

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a plant compound that falls under the “cannabinoid” category. There are over 110+ of them, and they are present on both hemp and marijuana plants of the cannabis category.

However, as per laws, only the products made from industrial hemp plants are allowed to be sold, and they cannot have more than 0.3% THC in them. THC is also a cannabinoid, but unlike CBD, it’s highly intoxicating and has a very low concentration in industrial hemp plants.


CBD products come in any form, like oils, edibles, inhalants, and topicals. CBD is clinically proven for its strong anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. Plus, there’s no risk of getting addicted to it, and side effects are also very rare.

Does CBD make you feel relaxed or sleepy?

It can do both; you can use it to relax, and you can use it to feel sleepy and slide it into a deep, restful state as well. It all boils down to how much CBD you are consuming in one sitting, how frequently you are consuming it, at what time you are consuming it, and what your tolerance levels are.

For example, let’s say you are in the middle of a hectic workday and want to relax for a while during lunch. To do so, you can put a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for a few seconds.

Within a few minutes, a wave of calmness will engulf you. But, let’s say you want to take a nap; then all you have to do is increase the dosage amount. It’s very hard to quantify how much will make you feel relaxed and how much will make you feel sleepy. The exact amount will vary from one individual to another.

That’s why you must do a hit-and-trial method and stick with what amount at what time works best for your individual use case. CBD works on your body’s internal balancing system known as the endocannabinoid system. This is a system that is responsible for regulating crucial body functions like mood, pain, appetite, hunger, memory, metabolism, and more.

CBD makes this system work better by increasing the production of the body’s naturally produced endocannabinoids (anandamide, 2-AG). It also interacts with serotonin receptors, which in turn improves our mood and brings down our stress. Now let’s take a look at how CBD improves relaxation and sleep in detail.

CBD and Relaxation: An In-Depth Look

The relaxing effects of CBD are mainly because of its ability to bring down anxiety. There are many studies to back this claim. For example, a few years back in a controlled study, it was noted that individuals who have fear and social anxiety, for example, during public speaking, saw significant positive change with regular dosing over some time.

Another recent study found that CBD calms you down by easing stimulation and physiological stress responses such as increased heartbeats. Scientists believe that this happens due to CBD’s interaction with the amygdala, which is a region of the brain associated with the processing of fear.

It also brings down overactivity in this region, which reduces the overreaction of the body to certain stressful events. Also, you must note that CBD’s relaxing effects are not to be associated with drowsiness.

For example, a low dose of 10-25 mg often increases focus, brings calmness, and helps to dull down anxiety caused by environmental cues. Also, it affects GABA receptors in the brain, which results in a reduction of neural activity and better overall relaxation.

CBD and Sleep: An In-Depth Look

Ok, so sleep is not a directly associated benefit of CBD; it’s not really marketed as a sleep-enhancing product. But the biggest reason for poor sleep is often anxiety, stress, and pain; CBD curbs them all, which in turn leads to better sleep.

For example, a recent study involving anxiety and insomnia patients concluded that having CBD in a wellness routine made things better for approximately 70% of the participants.


When taken in higher doses, say 50 mg+, CBD may increase the duration of deep sleep cycles, which results in better physical and mental recovery. But timing matters a lot; if you take it before bedtime, then it will act as a sleep-improving tool.

Whereas during the day, it’s more of a relaxing and alertness-increasing tool. Also, some studies found that CBD can reduce nightmares in PTSD patients and also reduce muscle spasms in those who are suffering from REM sleep disorders.

The End Note

To sum it up, CBD can make you both sleepy and relaxed, depending on how you use it and how your body reacts with cannabinoids. Your weight, metabolism, tolerance levels, and frequency of dosing also play a crucial role in how you’ll feel after munching on some delicious gummies.

If you are a first-time user, it’s best to start with low doses of 10-15 mg per day. Note down the effects, try different schedules and different products, and stick with the combination that works best for you. Whichever product you decide to buy, be it gummies or oils, try to get it only from reputed and well-tested brands like Colorado Botanicals.